Villas in Formentera | Houses and villas with pool for rent and sale on the island of Formentera

Formentera Ladys from 20/4 to 24/04/17

Formentera Ladys from 20/4 to 24/04/2017
Form a circle of women and immerse it in the energy and magic of Formentera, what can happen is beyond imagination.
Four days dedicated to the feminine energies, in the island that loves women. The experience that we propose is to be part of a group that together with Stefania Campanella, an expert of the island, and professional coaches resident in Formentera, will share experiences to discover the Goddess that is in each one of us.
Three workshops are planned:
“Energy medicine for women” with the energy of Clara Castellotti in Ca Loren. The reproductive system of women in Chinese medicine: the energetic vision. The power supply according to the different periods of the woman’s life. Medicinal plants for the most frequent disorders. Acupressure points for the same disorders. Recipes and remedies.
“Beyond fear: the union of masculine and feminine in themselves” with Angélica Santaniello
“Ovarian breathing” in nature, with Nur Diaz. The reestablishment of the connection with oneself, with the earth, with its power, its strength, starting from the relation with its rhythm and movement, listening to your body, releasing it.
For more details please contact us.

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